Etsi ja varaa pakohuoneet paikassa Dubai Nowescapessa

45 arvostelua
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Viimeisimmät arvostelut pakohuoneista Dubai

Callum L.
23 February 2018

Really impressed - very well run room and lots of fun for all ages. Staffs were really helpful and cheery.

23 February 2018

Me and my girlfriend had the chance to do this and it definitely improved our communication with each other. We both found this room very immersive nd enjoyable. Can't wait to try the other rooms.

School Of Magic
School Of Magic
Sophia S.
21 February 2018

We spent a great time at 'The Museum'. Everything was well thought out and the entire experience was challenging. Loved the details and story behind it all! Highly recommend..

Demi C.
21 February 2018

Excellent game, really well done with great attention to detail. They've created a really great atmosphere and while it's a little out of the way, it's worth it.

Kian C.
18 February 2018

Very interestingly immersive story. Just the perfect level of challenge nd fun!!

Jessica M.
18 February 2018

Exceeded all my expectations. Very enjoyable and very well thought experience. Spent a really good time playing this game with friends. It was all well thought out and nicely executed that we were so engaged throughout. So much fun, recommend this to anyone looking for a good time..

Isabela B.
16 February 2018

The escape room was really immersive. Was a fantastic day celebrating our friends birthday. As a group we all really enjoyed the experience. Highly recommend coming here.


Kaikki pakohuoneet Dubai

Kartta pakohuoneet Dubai

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