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Escape rooms · Tallinn
Escape room

Baker street, 221 B

Tallinn, Estonia
Star 4.57 (491)
Discover the true killer's identity and the crime
60 min
2 - 4 players
Good for:
Friends, Family, Birthday party
Detective, Historical, Adventure
Pay on arrival, or pay online

Operated by
The Room


Sherlock’s absence coincided with a string of vicious crimes. London police has once again proved incompetent, with Scotland Yard looking to pin all on an innocent man to be done with it.

Hurry! The man will be lynched unless you discover the true killer’s identity and the crime scene.

Player reviews

491 reviews
Use of technology
Fun for money
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07 January 2020

Ходили компанией, очень понравилось! Сделано красиво, один секрет особенно произвел впечатление своим неожиданным технологическим решением :)

02 January 2020

Vahva ja nutikas tuba. Vajasime veidi abi. Leidlikud lahendused ja abistav personal. Elamus Sherlocki fännidele.

Marko O.
29 December 2019

Esimene kogemus põgenemistoaga ja nii mõnelgi võttis jalad nõrgaks. Kasutasime küll kaks korda abi ja saime oma ülesaanetega hakkama. Mängujuht oli ülimalt meeldiv ning kiitsin juba kõigile tuttavatele ka seda tuba.

Svetlana M.
25 December 2019

Oli väga tore ja lõbus. Päris raske aga abiga saime hakkama. Tuleme veelkord teist tuba proovima.

Елена А.
17 December 2019

Квест, который позволяет почувствовать себя настоящим Шерлоком Холмсом. Здесь есть место и для логических задач, и для шифров, и даже для скрипки!

Mona Sortland N.
12 December 2019

Its a great, typical Escape room. Maybe a bit more difficult then what I am use to. We where 2 people, and made it with just second to spare. Really fun and demanding

Татьяна З.
06 December 2019

Спасибо за игру! Организация игры просто супер!!! Прийдём ещё! Очень интересно и динамично! Порой было сложно,но захватывающе!!!

Piret F.
04 December 2019

Lapsega käimiseks väga tore tuba. Kuigi oleme paljusid tubasid külastanud, siis paar uut elementi suutsime leida.

03 December 2019

We really love escape rooms and this one was nice. Not too easy but not hard as well. Everything worked, but in some moments we were lucky to know some extra information from our experience (however, it can be easily solved without knowing things and experience). Worth to try :)

Iida N.
30 November 2019

Super fun!

Андрэс П.
24 November 2019

Was quite nice, technologic, but easy...............................................................

Response from The Room:
Dear Andres, thank you for your review and the game! Baker Street is statistically our most challenging game, which means that it takes most people the longest to escape from. However we are always fascinated and happy to see the guests like you and your team who crack all the puzzles so masterfully! People are different and this is great!) P.S. I hope you didnt play the Baker Street game in Riga, which is, unfortunately, has been copied from our game.
Marina I.
23 November 2019

Наш первый квест. Было сложно от того, что не до конца понимаешь цель, но интересно. Все загадки разгаданы и убийца понёс наказание!

Andra M.
18 November 2019

Otsisime õudusvaba, aga põnevat põgenemisruumi. Baker Street 221 on ideaalne vaste otsitule. Tuba oli ühtviisi põnev ja väljakutseline nii varateismelistele lastele kui täiskasvanutele.

Olivia T.
17 November 2019

Hasarti tekitav koht. Läbisime toa kolmekesi 58 minutiga, võtsime ka mõned vihjed. Vajalik loogiline mõtlemine, katsetamine, teineteisega kommunikeerimine.

Marleen A.
11 November 2019

Väga huvitava sisuga, kuid suhteliselt raske tuba. Kindlasti sobib neile, kes kergesti ehmuvad või pelgavad põgenemistube, sest ehmatavaid elemente ei ole :)


Baker street, 221 B

28 Pärnu maantee, 10141 Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Harju County, Harjumaa, Estonia

Availability and prices


Free cancellation
No prepayment needed

What else need to know

Who can come

Guests aged 14 and up can attend. Guests aged 8 - 13 can attend with adults.

Availability and prices


Free cancellation
No prepayment needed