CCCP Escape rooms

191 reviews
Operating in Pärnu

CCCP Escape rooms


Player reviews

191 reviews
07 April 2019

Oli nagu päris. Tuleb välja, et koolis õppimisest oli ikka kasu ka :)

Mission: Cuban Crisis
Mission: Cuban Crisis
Daniel P.
07 April 2019

Väga vinge. Algul ehmatas ikka ära ka, kui vingusesse ruumi sai mindud. Aga sai ellu jäädud. Ruume oli rohkelt. Väga hea elamus ning terve meeskond jäi rahule.

Firefighters Escape Room
Firefighters Escape Room
07 April 2019

suurepärane elamus! soovitan kindlasti.

Execution Chamber
Execution Chamber
Polina P.
04 April 2019

Комната оказалась плохо подготовленной к нашему приходу, один элемент игры не был закрыт на замок, что мы поняли только в конце игры. Как итог пару пропущенных предметов и головоломок. Нам согласились показать уже после прохождения, но это уже было не то. Отправили письмо компании, но так и не получили ответа. The room turned out to be poorly prepared for our arrival, one element of the game was not locked, which we understood only at the end of the game. As a result, we missed a couple of items and puzzles. They agreed to show right aolution after the escaping, but the atmosphere was already not the same. Sent a letter to the company, but did not receive a response.

Mission: Cuban Crisis
Mission: Cuban Crisis
01 April 2019

Huvitav tuba

Execution Chamber
Execution Chamber
Pekka H.
01 April 2019

It was a good escape room. good premises where also nice. Cause being old bomb shelter it served the purpose.

Kgb 2.0 "Who Killed John F. Kennedy?"
Kgb 2.0 "Who Killed John...
Eleana K.
31 March 2019

The KGB cell experience was really fun, the various riddles and puzzles were interesting and figuring them out was challenging but not so hard that it would be impossible to get the answer. It is the best thing to do for thrill-seekers and those looking for a good scare.

Kgb Cells
Kgb Cells
30 March 2019

See oli meie esimene põgenemistuba ja kõigile meeldis see väga! Mängujuht oli tore ja asjalik ning tuba oli arusaadav ja polnud liialt raske.

Firefighters Escape Room
Firefighters Escape Room
21 March 2019

Host was super friendly and artistic, so start of the game was quite exciting.

But unfortunately this escape room is decorated very poorly (we love hi-tech devices and puzzles, interesting decorations, unexpected scenario twists).

Puzzles were ok.

If you are experienced escaper, this game won’t impress you :(

Execution Chamber
Execution Chamber
Georg G.
19 March 2019

Üpriski keeruline, kuid huvitav. Hästi kasutatud tehnika. Veidi liiga vali muusika ning vähe valgust.

Mission: Cuban Crisis
Mission: Cuban Crisis
Inga S.
19 March 2019

Väga äge oli, tuleme millalgi uuesti!

Execution Chamber
Execution Chamber
13 March 2019

Meeldis väga. Esmakordse põgenemistoa külastajana tundus see võrdlemisi raske, ilma vihjeteta poleks ettenähtud ajaga välja saanud.

Mission: Cuban Crisis
Mission: Cuban Crisis
11 March 2019

Огонь, приветливый персонал, классная атмосфера

Mission: Cuban Crisis
Mission: Cuban Crisis
10 March 2019

Äge tuba. Soovitan teistele ka.

Execution Chamber
Execution Chamber
Karl K.
09 March 2019

Väga lahe natuke mõtlemist ja saab välja

Mission: Cuban Crisis
Mission: Cuban Crisis