Ходили с друзьями. Квест понравился. Было пару нюансов, но это никак не повлияло на положительные эмоции от квеста.
The ending was needlessly long and uncomfortable. Make it shorter. It was difficult to understand and hear the tips because of the background noises and staff’s accent. Choose another game if you have claustrophobia and motion sickness. If you’re into science, this is for you.
Ходили четверти с друзьями , было интересно , без подсказок ведущей скорее бы не спаслись , было очень интересно. Хотим попробовать другие квесты .
Компанией весело, время летит незаметно. Интересно без помощи и инструкций проходить квест. Ожидание стоит прохождения.
Lisaks otsingutele ka ohtralt nuputamist. Ajab korralikult juhtme kokku, samas väga lõbus. Sobib kogu perele.
Played Sherlock with a group of 3. Great room with nice puzzles and athmosphere. One of my favorite rooms!
It was a very cool room and adventure. The ending is definitely something you do not usually see in escape rooms.
The story was coherent and came together through the process. Use of technology was amazing and we were super happy with that. The clues weren't difficult and we got out in less than 40 minutes without any hints asked. totally recommend ????
Communication and Co-operation skills needed! Fun to try to figure out yourself, but hints also quite often needed.
Väga hästi läbi mõeldud ja ettevalmistatud - seni parim põgenemistuba! Igal juhul soovitan nii suurtele kui väiksematele, igaüks leiab siit endale midagi!
So fun experience. Unlike other escape rooms it follows a linear task list, but it's still interesting and fun. The escape room requires quite some cooperation, which makes it perfect for couples. ANd of course, the ending of it is a cherry on the cake!
Quite fun. Without using any spoilers - some instructions suggested that we shouldn't open some items, but in this case it was actually a must.
Oli põnev ja samas ka natuke hirmus. Sobis 12-14 aastastele (üks seltskonnast kahjuks lahkus 10-15 min enne lõppu, kuna oli hirmutav).
Lõbus kogemus kõigile. On lihtsamaid kui ka keerulisemaid ülesandeid. Teenindus oli suurepärane. Jäime väga rahule, kindlasti külastame ka teisi ruume
Lastele väga meeldis ja kindlasti tulevad veel! Vahepeal oli korraks raskusi, aga muidu väga hea ja põnev seiklus. Kohati oli päris hirmus.