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Escape rooms · Tallinn
Escape room

The Conjuring

Tallinn, Estonia
Star 4.92 (234)
You need to solve the sinister mystery
60 min
2 - 7 players
Good for:
Friends, Birthday party, Family
In the dark, Mystical, With actors
Pay on arrival, or pay online

Operated by


You are an investigative team from Vatican, here to look into reported supernatural activity. Upon entering the premises, you have disturbed a dormant poltergeist, who has closed down the building.

According to psychometric readings the poltergeist is getting increasingly riled. You only have one hour before it evolves into a full-blown aetheric storm and destroys the location and you with it. You need to solve the sinister mystery and help the poltergeist find peace in the afterlife to be able to escape alive.

Player reviews

234 reviews
Use of technology
Fun for money
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Gert P.
05 December 2019

Väga õudne ja samas meelt lahutav kogemus. Soovitaksin kõigile. Uue teema puhul külastaks jälle. Vb nunna nägu oleks võinud rohkem näha olnud.

Andra A.
02 December 2019

Väga lahe tuba oli, näitlejad andsid ka palju juurde. Hirmutav ja lõbus samal ajal. Midagi täiesti teistsugust kui ma varem kogenud olen. Kindlasti soovitan, väga huvitav ja tore kogemus. Paarina ideaalne minna :)

Карина Ф.
17 November 2019

Очень интересно и очень дружелюбный персонал,нам очень понравилось,для 13-14 лет мне кажется отлично подходит,обязательно придём ещё!!!!

Heli S.
16 November 2019

Käisin oma pojaga 13a. Ja meile väga väga meeldis. Suureparane lahendus ning väga heade erieffektidega.

Liina K.
16 November 2019

Üli vägev tuba. Soovitan kõigile, kes ei karda õudukaid ja pimedust. Ainult lõpp tundub igava võitu.

Lorii H.
11 November 2019

Väga tore ja ka samal ajal hirmus tuba ,kus saad väga palju emotsioone ja hea tuju pärast toa läbimist

Ангелика М.
11 November 2019

Очень понравилось обязательно придем на новые квесты в это место. персонал приветливый и дружелюбный.

Ekaterina K.
10 November 2019

Огонь! Остались очень довольны игрой. Было местами очень страшно. Хорошая организация квеста, дружелюбный персонал.

Elizabeth B.
09 November 2019

Olen mitmes exit roomis käinud aga kuskil pole sellist meeleolu olnud. See on parim tuba kus käind olen. Oin enda sõpradega (12 aastased) ja suhteliselt koguaeg karjusime või kartsime äga. Unustamatu kogemus!

Elizabeth B.
08 November 2019

Algul mõtlesin et see ei saa midagi hullu olla kuna siia saavad minna 10 aastased. Kuna mina ja mu sõbrad olime 12, siis pandi meile laste versioon, aga see oli mega õudne, tundus nagu oleksi õudusfilmis + see oli veel lihtsam versioon. Unustamatu kogemus ja väga tore teenindus!

Tatjana T.
03 November 2019

Это просто супер!!! Страшно и интересно ... пойдём на другой раз ещё ,побольше друзей соберём 10+++

03 November 2019

Ülilahe elamus! Palju kiljumist, palju kallistamist, palju nalja. Oi oli hirmus aga kõik kokku oli nii lahe!

Александра О.
28 October 2019

все понравилось .страшно мы орали,но все можно контролировать. было сложновато ,но главное командная работа 5 из 5.

27 October 2019

We were 4 guys. It Is very surprising that how all these tehnologys were made. All these buttons, tasks and other stuffs. It absolutely shows how much work there Is put in The room.

Ingus D.
27 October 2019

Excelently done. Very interesting unusual puzles. Amazing use of technology. Not enoyingly hard but hard enough to be very satisfying when you figure it out. Amazingly realisticly built decorations end mechanisms. You feel like you realy are in some sort of adventure movie and you has to solve ridles to get further to unweel the mistery. Thanks. Keep up the good work.


The Conjuring

Väike-Karja 1, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Harju County, Harjumaa, Estonia

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.

What else need to know

Who can come

Guests aged 12 and up can attend. Guests aged 7 - 11 can attend with adults.


This activity is wheelchair accessible

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.