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Escape rooms · Tallinn
Escape room

The Conjuring

Tallinn, Estonia
Star 4.92 (234)
You need to solve the sinister mystery
60 min
2 - 7 players
Good for:
Friends, Birthday party, Family
In the dark, Mystical, With actors
Pay on arrival, or pay online

Operated by


You are an investigative team from Vatican, here to look into reported supernatural activity. Upon entering the premises, you have disturbed a dormant poltergeist, who has closed down the building.

According to psychometric readings the poltergeist is getting increasingly riled. You only have one hour before it evolves into a full-blown aetheric storm and destroys the location and you with it. You need to solve the sinister mystery and help the poltergeist find peace in the afterlife to be able to escape alive.

Player reviews

234 reviews
Use of technology
Fun for money
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30 October 2024

Parim põgenemistuba, kus käinud oleme. Sobib külma närviga inimestele, ehmatamist oli palju. Kindlasti soovitan!

Artem Z.
15 July 2024

Отличный квест для троих человек. Очень атмосферный, полное погружение, местами страшновато даже. Пощекотать нервы и одновременно подумать - самое то!

Dmitri E.
26 June 2024
06 July 2023

väga hea kogemus. müsteerilisus ja hirmus olid perfektselt balansis. soovitan kõigile külmanärviga inimestele. väikeste lastega soovitan mitte minna, sest see võib mõndadele lastele natukene liiga hirmus olla. Kokkuvõtteks oli see kõige parem põgenemistuba kus ma käinud olen.

21 January 2023

Квест очень понравился. Достаточно страшно, задания интересные. С детьми не советую:) Должно быть какое то стоп слово:) , чтоб остановить игру,если уже очень страшно или плохо

Dmitri E.
03 December 2022
Любовь М.
28 October 2020

Пожалуй, лучший "спуки" квест в Таллинне. Дружелюбный коллектив и отличная атмосфера. Лучше посещать маленькой группой, чтобы прожить сполна эти эмоции. Рекомендуем !

12 October 2020

Ходили с друзьями в честь дня рождения. Очень всем понравилось, все четко продуманно, обстановка прям заставляет погрузится в какой-то фильм ужасов. Были действительно страшные моменты, но очень захватывающе и интересно! Всем советую сходить! Не пожалеете!

Tiiu H.
19 September 2020

Väga äge oli! Jäime kogu seltskonnaga väga rahule. Oli hirmus, aga raske on elamuste poolest seda tuba üle trumbata.

Keit S.
09 September 2020

Super elamus. Mängu jooksul on erinevaid üllatusi mis tõstavad pulsi 200’ni. Ülesanded ei ole niivõrd rasked kuid hirm teeb nende lahendamised keeruliseks. Soovitan kõigile. Kellel probleeme südamega siis targem vahele jätta.

Stefania A.
09 September 2020

It was very fun! For adults! The person who welcomed us was very nice and friendly! He gave us the right advice to enjoy the game! For the first time and if you are with kids it is better enjoy the red allert game! It’s a very good experience to do!!!

Nata .
05 September 2020

Интересный квест, немного страшный. Хороший баланс между ценной и качеством. Прикольные и милые кошки.

Kärt T.
30 August 2020

Mõnel korral ei saanud aru millal ja kus miski avanes, aga muidu oli väga elamusrohke ja kindlasti soovitan!

Klient K.
28 August 2020

Mängisime perega, kus olid ka väiksed lapsed. Eks hirmus ikka oli ka (mitte ainult lastel!). Põnev mäng, huvitavad ülesanded.

28 August 2020

Siiani parim ja põnevaim mäng! Kohe algusest peale adrenaliin laes! Kiljumist oli palju, nuputamist oli piisavalt. Soovitame!


The Conjuring

Väike-Karja 1, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Harju County, Harjumaa, Estonia

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.

What else need to know

Who can come

Guests aged 12 and up can attend. Guests aged 7 - 11 can attend with adults.


This activity is wheelchair accessible

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.