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Escape rooms · Tallinn
Escape room

The Conjuring

Tallinn, Estonia
Star 4.92 (234)
You need to solve the sinister mystery
60 min
2 - 7 players
Good for:
Friends, Birthday party, Family
In the dark, Mystical, With actors
Pay on arrival, or pay online

Operated by


You are an investigative team from Vatican, here to look into reported supernatural activity. Upon entering the premises, you have disturbed a dormant poltergeist, who has closed down the building.

According to psychometric readings the poltergeist is getting increasingly riled. You only have one hour before it evolves into a full-blown aetheric storm and destroys the location and you with it. You need to solve the sinister mystery and help the poltergeist find peace in the afterlife to be able to escape alive.

Player reviews

234 reviews
Use of technology
Fun for money
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Kersti A.
11 November 2018

Väga lahe koht.

11 November 2018

Kõrge hind, aga on seda väärt!

Julia L.
04 November 2018

Vaga lahedate efiktidega mäng!!? Super!!!

03 November 2018

Scariest escape room in estonia. Almost shat my pants and had a heart attack at the same time. Good spook

Keterin V.
03 November 2018

Väga, väga äge oli. Normaalse raskustasemega ülesanded ning korralik spook????

Tairo J.
02 November 2018

Olime esimest korda ja tuba ületas ootusi. Tavaliselt kui mingi asi saab liiga palju "hype" siis ootused on kõrged ja pettumine on kerge tulemas - siin niimoodi ei läinud!

Юрий с.
01 November 2018

Отлично провели время. Всем советую.

C. T.
28 October 2018

Väga äge oli:) ja väga õudne!

Baiba S.
24 October 2018

Väga vahva elamus, adrenaliin oli laes.

Диана О.
15 October 2018

Все очень понравилось. Эмоции были на пределе. Интересные и местами сложные задания. Обязательно порекомендуем и придём на другой квест. Спасибо!

14 October 2018

Нам (женской компании) страшно понравилось! Изрядно пощекотали себе нервы, боялись на полном серьёзе, хотя потом смеялись:) Опыт хождения по квестам небольшой, были в нескольких квестах Таллинна, но этот был самым лучшим из всех. Хозяин тоже был очень приветливый.

Brit R.
08 October 2018

Ülesanded olid paraja keerukusastmega ja atmosfäär pakkus küllaga närvikõdi.

Merle H.
07 October 2018

Kuna hind on sellele toal kõrge siis on ka ootus suurem . See hind tasub ennast igati ära. Kõige parem tuba kus käinud olen ja kõige õudsam ka.!!!!!! Soovitan teistelegi ????

Indrek K.
19 September 2018

Väga huvitav, lõbus ja effektne elamus.

Stella V.
11 September 2018

Siiani kõige parem tuba kus ma käinud olen! Hind on küll kallim kui enamus muud, aga see on seda väärt :)


The Conjuring

Väike-Karja 1, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Harju County, Harjumaa, Estonia

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.

What else need to know

Who can come

Guests aged 14 and up can attend. Guests aged 6 - 13 can attend with adults.

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.