The Room
2247 reviews | |
Operating in Tallinn |
The Room
Player reviews
Было очень здорово и захватывающе! Нужно и мозгами шевелить и с друзьями посмеяться! Очень важно работа в команде. Всем советую!
Super lahe tegevus, mida töökaaslastega koos teha. Arendab tiimitööd ning toob esile osalejate tugevused ja nõrkused ;P
Erakordselt tore meelelahutus. Sobis väga hästi neljale töökaaslasele selleks et koostööd harjutada. Super!
Ходили с семьёй и остались очень довольны! Наш первый квест вообще не произвёл особого впечатления, а этот был самое то! Интересно и не слишком сложно
Играли мальчишки 13 лет первый раз, очень понравилось! Персонал очень дружелюбный и приятный! Очень советую!
Незабываемые впечатления! Очень интересные загадки, много взаимодействия с интерактивными предметами, не все решения были очевидными, но очень интересные. Не предсказуемый сюжетный поворот!! Всем советую!!!!
Pōnev meelelahutus ja sobib igale vanusele. Perega vahva koostegemine ja aja veetmine noorele ja vanale.
Tuba iseenesest oli väga lõbus ja huvitav, kuid minu ja mu sõbrannale oli natuke keeruka võitu (me oleme mõlemad 14). Teenindus oli väga hea, soovitan kindlasti!
Jäime väga rahule, aitäh ???? Käisin 13 aastase lapsega ja meile väga sobis. Saime mõlemad piisavalt nuputada ????
Really interesting and different experience! Can recommend it to anyone keen in science. Unusual problems to solve!
Oli väga meeldiv teenindus ja huvitav kogemus ka esmakordsele külastajale. tuleme kindlasti tagasi.
Visited Baker street quest as a family of 4 (kids aged 11 and 15). Enjoyed every moment! Perfect for a family where everyone adds to the team effort. All puzzles are solvable without extraordinary difficulty. Requires strong logic and good attention to detail. Listen carefully to the staff instructions before the start of the game. Overall great experience! We'll be back for more :)
This was our first time. One 50 yo and one 18 yo. We worked good together and had a fun time. We needed a little help, but that was our fault for not thinking all things through - we were on the right track. Good to be different age and life experiances. We want to try another one, when visiting Tallinn in future.
We had a great time at Gravity! We are keen puzzlers and board game players, and between us had completed 3 escape rooms before. All of the challenges were thematic and fair. We really enjoyed the experience from start to finish and would highly recommend it to anyone visiting Tampere.