The Room

2244 reviews
Operating in Tallinn

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information


Player reviews

2244 reviews
Use of technology
Fun for money
Andrei M.
08 January 2022

Отличный прикол для умненьких :) И тех , кто любит космос, полёты. Отличный вариант для свидания, если ты не любишь нудно сидеть в кафе и рассказывать девушке какой ты умный и сколько всего можешь :) Ну и , ясенперец, хочешь посмотреть на свою спутницу - а вдруг она только красивая? Нафиг оно тебе, тогда?! :)

Oliver K.
07 January 2022

It is for people who who like really basic and just logical thinking puzzle solving. The course is realli simple but it has a really awesome switch for music and lighting

Reino A.
03 January 2022

Väga hästi tehtud ruum, kus lisaks ilusale kujundusele olid ka huvitavad ülesanded. Soovitan ka lastele.

Lauri L.
02 January 2022

Viihdyttävä pakopeli, joka oli teemalle uskollinen. Kokonaisuus oli tarpeeksi haasteellinen, olematta liian vaikea. Hyvä asiakaspalvelu.

Jekaterina K.
31 December 2021

Интересный квест, который подарит в конце необычные впечатления. В самой игре не много заданий, но они интересные. Не подходит для людей с клаустрофобией.

Sarah G.
30 December 2021

It was super fun, would 100% recommend. The rooms were stunning and it was challenging enough that we didn’t get bored. There’s a pretty even split between intellectual puzzles and hands on activities.

Helen K.
30 December 2021

Gravity is an epic and unusual room with some cool scientific and mechanical solutions. I loved the fact that no simple locks and codes were used and all puzzles were really well incorporated into the story. PS! Great choice of music throughout the experience!

28 December 2021

Очень интересно и захватывающе. Не страшно. Очень советую! До всего сами не догадались и пришлось пользоваться подсказками!

Jakov P.
26 December 2021

It was a interesting escape room to play with colleagues, very well detailed I can say. Mostly you need logic and thinking outside the box to solve the puzzles, it was fun :)

25 December 2021

Our group had 2 adults and 2 kids - everyone enjoyed it a lot. Would recommend! Special thanks to the hostess.

23 December 2021

Tõeliselt ilus ja andekas mäng! Väga tore just lastega. "Alice Imedemaal" raamatut pole tingimata vaja teada, aga annab palju elamusele juurde!

Anastasia P.
22 December 2021

It was interesting experience. My colleges was first time in an exit room and they like it. I make sure they came back.

Dide C.
21 December 2021

We really enjoyed the game. It was a bit more difficult than we imagined, but it was overall extremely fun. The service is also amazing.

19 December 2021

Väga meeldis. Oli väga huvitav ja põnev. Personal oli igati abivalmis. Hea tuju garanteeritud. Siiralt soovitan.

19 December 2021

Отличный квест на двоих. Задания простые, больше подойдёт для тех кто хочет перенестись в мир космоса и прожить небольшую историю.