The Room
2247 reviews | |
Operating in Tallinn |
The Room
Player reviews
Had a great experience in Gravity, recommend it to everybody who is looking for a unique and technically advanced adventure. We loved it and looking forward to our next visit to Baker street :) And of course what a hospitality, thank you guys!
Väga korralik ajude ragistamine, suurepärane väljakutse nii noorematele kui suurematele! Soovitan soojalt.
не легкий, но очень интересный квест, без подсказок не справились бы :)
A lot of fun! We managed to pass the game in 53 minutes without any help and laughed a lot. Service is very friendly and the puzzles are unconventional and interesting. Nothing like other games. However, we have figured it out! An enjoyable game, I would recommend! We are coming back for other games!
Ожидание (к сожалению) не превзошло себя, технически было сделано интиресно, но сама история и мысль игры была продуманно слаба.
The technology was good but not so connected to the story, nor did the puzzles always make sense. The game host was lovely but she had to tell us several times that some things are more 'intuitive rather than logical'. This means in essence there is something not totally right with the game as it's just another way of saying that things don't make sense.
The Asylum was quite a frustrating room for our group. We felt like the backstory did not support the story line of the room and many clues were illogical. Finally we did not even understand that we had solved the room and escaped. Some of the technical solutions were really good and new, so I would not say that the room was all bad. However, since there are many better rooms available, I would not recommend this one. The service was great, many thanks to our game host!
Квест в целом понравился, но некоторые технические моменты были недоработаны

Долго не решались пойти на этот квест- а зря. Увидели то, чего не было у других. Комнаты не опшарпаные и было приятно играть. Без подсказок все-же не обошлись, тк играли вдвоём. В какие то моменты мы думали что сошли с ума, но как только стали мыслить не стандартной выбрались. Посмотрев на уровень квеста, вскоре поситим Ваши остальные комнаты-уж очень нам понравилось у Вас :)
Нереально крутой квест! Один из самых лучших. Все логично и необычые спецэффекты. Советую идти в 2-ем :)