The Room

2244 reviews
Operating in Tallinn

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information


Player reviews

2244 reviews
Use of technology
Fun for money
Vladimir S.
27 February 2021

Сначала было непонятно, но потом поняли, что делать.Советуем этот квест, так как он интересный и захватывающий.

Alla A.
27 February 2021

Хороший квест для проведения времени всей семьей. Советуем сходить. Нам очень понравилось. Придём ещё.

Mikk V.
25 February 2021

Oli igati vahva kogemus. Soovitan kõigile. Natuke vajasime ka abi aga üldiaelt tehtav 60 minuti jooksul.

Evelin M.
22 February 2021

Käisime koos lapsega, täpselt paras ja huvitav. Ülesanded erineva raskusega aga piisavalt huvitavad. Ideaalne esimeseks korraks. Jäime väga rahule!

The Stormy Ocean
The Stormy Ocean
Charlie S.
21 February 2021

Fun time solving puzzles on a spaceship! Needed some teamwork to complete, but wasn't too difficult.

Aivar P.
20 February 2021

Väga vinge tuba. Jäime väga rahule. Oli küllalt nuputamist aga mitte midagi kontimurdvat. Väga huvitavad lahendused

Veta R.
19 February 2021

Сложновато. Вышли из комнаты с подсказками. Комната интересная. Оптимальное количество игроков 3. Рекомендуем.

Allan-Cristjan P.
16 February 2021

Lots of fun, especially the end.

I thought there would be more puzzles, as we solved them all pretty quickly.

There was one spot where we did get stuck, as we didnt think to use the items on the ceiling. This can be an issue for shorter people :)

Jorn B.
15 February 2021

I really enjoyed with my friend second time we did escape room and this one was much more professional then the first. Recommended for everyone!

Lisette M.
14 February 2021

Väga huvitav ja põnev. Sobib igale vanusele. Peab palju mõtlema ja loogikat kasutama. Iga vihjet tuleb kasutada.

Janina H.
13 February 2021

Спасибо большое очень понравилась комната . Очень доброе и приятное ти позитивное впечатление! Советуюем посетить !!!

09 February 2021

Kui poleks saanud seda pudelit valesse kohta panna ???? siis oleks olnud ideaalne. Väga keeruline, aga põnev.

Marina O.
07 February 2021

Красочно, сложно, захватывающе, погружение в сказку, дети в восторге! Взрослые тоже. Прекрасная возможность стать командой

Caisa S.
31 January 2021

Very fun and nice game. We really enjoyed the colourful and happy fairytail theme. Level was just right, not too easy or hard. Loved the different locks and puzzles.

25 January 2021

Ei pidanud pettuma! Lahe oli! Soovitan mõne lapse ka kaasa võtta, kes paremini lihtsaid pisidetaile märkab :)