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Recent reviews of escape games in Estonia

Ülla K.
29 July 2019

Hästi ülesehitatud põgenemistuba, kus on palju huvitavaid lahendusi. Sissejuhatus oli tore. Kokkuvõttes väga äge elamus.

Raili K.
28 July 2019

Tore mäng, meeldib, et sobib ka suuremale seltskonnale. Mäng ei eelda ajude ragistamist, seega sobilik pms kõigile.

Closed (Hide And Seek In The Dark)
Action game
Closed (Hide And Seek In...
Alena O.
28 July 2019

It was a really great game. We enjoyed it a lot and the gamemadter was very friendly. The best room I've done so far. Definitely recommend doing this.

Kastehelmi A.
25 July 2019

We were a group of two adults and two teenagers (13) and we really enjoyed the experience! The story took the teens totally and we get to do some good mind work to get out there. Teens were really exited and talked about it a long time after the game was over and went through different ideas how to do it quicker/better. Would definitely recommend for other families with teenagers:)

The Stormy Ocean
Escape room
The Stormy Ocean
Jaanika L.
25 July 2019

Vastuvõtt oil juba vaga meeldiv. Toas pidime palju abi küsima, kuna ei saanud hakkama viienda klassi matemaatikaga ???? aga isiklik soovitus oleks teha tuba, kus pole ainult koodide nuputamist, vaid selle juures oleks veel mingeid loogikaga võetavaid muid ülesandeid, et saada mingi kood. Muidu jäime väga rahule ja proovime teine kord teisest toast ka välja saada.

White Robe Room
Escape room
White Robe Room
Jaanus P.
24 July 2019

Ülesandeid võiks olla selles toas natukene rohkem kuid see ei tähenda, et põgenemistubade kontekstis poleks tegu just tehnilise lahenduse tõttu kõige erilisema ja meeldejäävama kogemusega.

Iidaliisa P.
24 July 2019

An amazing experience! Highly recommended. Best escape room we have been to - it's not just a room, it really is an experience, as they say.

Escape room
Мартин Т.
23 July 2019

Все сделано на достойном уровне, очень интересный квест. Все детали проработаны. Квест очень завораживает

Tristan T.
22 July 2019

Varasemalt rohkete tubade külastajana võin julgelt väita, et tõeline väljakutse. Toa loomisega on nähtavasti hulganisti vaeva nähtud ning tulemus tasub end igati ära. Väga leidlikud ja ebaharilikud mõistatused ning suurepärane atmosfäär.

22 July 2019

Perfect for two people! Me and my friend had a lot of fun. Suitable for beginners and experienced players. You will love the end!!! We definitely recommend The gravity!

Kira M.
22 July 2019

Очень нравятся комнаты, которые состоят не из 4 стен =) Некоторые загадки решаются быстро, некоторые подольше, но общее впечатление - отличное!

The Stormy Ocean
Escape room
The Stormy Ocean
Aleksei T.
21 July 2019

The room is not dark, so the puzzles you'll encounter and not some items and slots you have to search for in the darkness, mostly they are clearly visible. The puzzles themselves are relatively simple, nothing to get stuck on. Several people can work in parallel, so a team of 4-5 would be optimal.

Külli L.
20 July 2019

parajalt palju môtlemist ja tähelepanu nôudev aga lôbus :) ootame pônevusega järgmist korda, et taas üks tore seiklus ette vôtta

Escape room
Milla L.
20 July 2019

We werent looking for a scary room and didnt know this room included scary elements. We lost our focus because we wefe scared all the time. We were also afraid to finish puzzles cause we didnt want to suprised again.

Marek J.
20 July 2019

Suu põgenemistuba oli meie jaoks väga põvev ning saime ka korraliku närvikõdi. Soovitaksin kindlasti just neile, kes otsivad veidi õudsaid, kuid lõbusaid kogemusi.

Map of performances in Estonia

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