The game had quite some many interesting solutions and fun clues, though some quite challenging ones as well. I would not recommend it as a first game, but if you're a player on a more advanced level then it could be quite fun.
Väga põnev kogemus ja ruumiga on palju vaeva nähtud. Talvisel ajal tasub soojalt riidesse panna ning arvestada tuleks sellega, et meeskonna peale kehtib kaalupiirang, mistõttu meil pidi üks mängija välja jääma.
Realistic decorations - rooms with low ceilings, low light, metal bars, and heavy doors make you feel what is to be a real prisoner. The game is not very hard, but linear with two challenging tasks. Good for beginners and people with no claustrophobia. The downside is that the lack of the timer does not allow you to follow the remaining time.