Way too hard it seems to me
Me and my girlfriend played "Baker street, 221 B". We have a substantial escape room background and we really enjoyed this escape room. It is really good! We finished it for 49 minutes without any hints. Everything was clear. Some moments surprised us because it was the first time we saw it! And yes, we got a feeling that we were in Sherlok's apartments.
We where in two different escape room about Sherlock in Tallinn, this one was good
We where in two different escape room about Sherlock in Tallinn, this one wasn't good
Ruum oli kolme tärni kohta piisavalt keerukas :D Meeldis väga ja soovitan kõigile:D
Sure it was hard enough, but maybe even too hard. There were some tiny things that were barely visible so that you needed a hint to find them. Using more props would've made the escape more immersive. Not much technology used.
We liked it a lot and made it out. Only flaw was, that the whole room was kinda plain and they hadn't made many props. Lack of used technology is understandable, because it was a prison break after all.
Väga meeldiv ja huvitav. Ilus ja põnev mäng! Soovitan!
The most interesting exit game in Tallinn! Like it!
Täname! Väga põnev :-) Hästi sobib firma ürituseks. Armas teenindus. Tuleme uuesti )))
Põnevust ja adrenaliini jagus. Kahjuks hakkavad ülesanded palju korduma, kui oled varasemalt mõnda tuba külastanud. Mängujuht oli see eest elav ja tegi väga kihvti sissejuhatuse. Tuba ise sisaldas ka nii mõndagi petekat ja rajalt kõrvale juhtimist.
This was amazing experience! Thanks for guyz for doing that thing!
The best escape room in Tallinn. Most interesting considering we dont like scaring and so on. Puts You thinking a lot! Thanks!
Vihjed võiks olla rohkem peidetud, et oleks huvitavam ka otsida. Avamine on parajalt keeruline, aga otsimine lihtne.
Kahjuks pean ütlema et ootasin rohkem kui sain. Võrreldes konkurentidega oli vähe tubasid, kõik mõistatused peale ühte olid väga sarnased. Lihtsalt teha järjest karbid lukudega lahti ei ole päris see. Meeldis laseriga ülesanne.